Pretty Ugly
Plant Care
On this page are some cultural tips for some of the plants that we grow.
Certain plant species require extra care and we always try to give this with the plant.

Temperate Carnivorous Plants
These plants are found in nutrient deficient ground. Acid Peat bogs are one of the most common places around the world to find these plants. Although some can be grown outside, they lend themselves well to full light, standing in preferably rainwater during the growing season March - October. Donot apply fertiliser. During their dorment period keep pot moist but not wet. Keep plants well ventilated

Disa Orchid
Care Page coming soon

Tropical Carnivorous Plants
Care Page coming soon

These are the plants that got me started. Having been distracted my carnivorous plants over the past few years, I am now trying to create a balance between the two. Care page will be updated soon